See it on the radio


24 hour, to the point, global NEws Coverage.

EKOT. is thee news programme in Sweden, with its identity built by its sound jingle/mnemonic. Through conditioning it has become familiar and reassuring—almost comforting as it is Sweden’s most trusted news source. It was an honour to interpret this into a motion identity, built to last. The concept is built on the 24H news coverage where the dots represents the earth spinning around, ending on the dot. Brief and to the point, just like the programme itself.


4.3 million daily listeners *and viewers* can’t be wrong.

Listener habits have changed through smartphones, making it a visual medium. The mnemonic (sound ID) from each channel, especially EKOT have been head by every Swede. The new medium of smartphones, required these sounds to have visual motion identities, used across platforms. It was an honour to get to conceptualise and animate this and really get to the detail.

Each channel has its own rationale and storytelling—P1 is the most intellectual channel and is therefore made out of paper textures that form the iconic identity designed by Karl Erik Forsberg. EKOT. supplies 24h news coverage of the globe and the dot got to represent earth and how it spins around its own axis to create night and day. The dot/circle rotates around in space in unison with the sound, representing day and night ending on a distinct punctuation. Just like their reporting.


Earth Day for Klarna


A New Look for "Så Mycket Bättre"